Flash! Harder to Run in 9, Adam Gray in 13

In a stunning move brought about by the tumult resulting from redistricting in California, Josh Harder just announced he will now be running for Congress in California District 9, a slot previously designated for Representative Jerry McNerney, who is stepping down.

Harder had only recently announced for District 13, which includes a large swath of Adam Gray’s current Assembly District. Persistent rumors have circulated that Gray was also thought well-suited for that district, but Harder had declared first. A recent Tweet had Gray announcing a run against Harder, but Gray disowned the Tweet. Now, however, he will indeed run in District 13.

Today, Harder announced via social media he was declaring for District 9. Insiders immediately began speculating that Democratic Party power players had brokered a deal that would put two rising Dem stars in position to capitalize on their experience and popularity.

Josh Harder and Sue Zwahlen Modesto 6 April 21
Josh Harder with Modesto Mayor Sue Zwahlen

In 2006, McNerney rocked the political world when he upset seven-term incumbent Richard Pombo, a Republican most observers thought invulnerable. Since then, McNerney has been a steady and responsive representative for his district. As of today, he had not yet filed for another run. It’s now apparent he was planning to retire from office.

Gray would have termed out of his Assembly position in 2024. It seems likely the Democratic Party did not want to lose a popular leader, especially in a region where Democrats struggle. McNerney’s withdrawal opened the way for two rising young stars  with a proven ability to win.

Like McNerney, Harder upset a powerful Republican when he defeated Jeff Denham in 2018. With a strong record of bipartisan achievement and a position on the Appropriations Committee, Harder has shown a remarkable ability to connect with people across the entire political spectrum.

Gray has been proactive in the water wars that have dominated the political environment of California since statehood. A staunch defender of his constituents’ rights to water, he’s been a dominant winner in every Assembly campaign he’s joined.

Now, both Harder and Gray have the opportunity to continue their good work for the San Joaquin Valley in Washington D.C. They still face arduous campaigns, but both have been tested repeatedly and emerged victorious. Their win is also a win for the Valley.

Eric Caine
Eric Caine
Eric Caine formerly taught in the Humanities Department at Merced College. He was an original Community Columnist at the Modesto Bee, and wrote for The Bee for over twelve years.
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  1. Interesting turn of events. I unfortunately reside in the new 5th Congressional District, a Republican stronghold that Rep. McClintock seeks to retain. I will miss the strong leadership and advocacy Josh Harder brought to Modesto.

  2. So, Harder moves to a new district where he doesn’t live. and you folks are ok with this? Loyalty is non existent in this arena. So, who is running in the 10th district. Well, if you left wing folks keep it up, most of us who pay most of the taxes will move and you can have the left coast.

  3. Well Adam Gray is a “staunch defender of his constituent’s right to water”, but who is to stand up for our rivers that are being so depleted, and the wildlife that depends on them?

    • Excellent question Kent. After over forty years of trying to defend our local environment and wildlife, I’ve learned that there are not enough voters who care. Politician after politician has told me that there just isn’t a significant constituency in favor of living rivers, vibrant wetlands, and riparian forests. The San Joaquin Valley is one of the most distressed environments in America, and there is no sign things will get any better soon.

      • Right on, Eric. Yes, the San Joaquin Valley is definitely one of the most distressed environments in America. When I hear people talk about their water rights I have to as: Who actually has water rights? Water is life for everyone, not just for making money in ag. The tide might be turning.

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