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Irrigation District files anti-SLAPP suit against Board Member

Last May, Modesto Irrigation District (MID) Board Member Janice Keating filed a suit against the district and fellow board member Robert Frobose alleging gender harassment. The suit claims, among other things, that Frobose sought to intimidate Keating about her opposition to rehiring attorney Ronda Lucas to assist General Counsel Wes Milliband with the district’s legal […]

Congressman Tom McClintock’s Sham Town Hall Meetings

Congressman Tom McClintock is notorious for being absent from his district. Modesto residents who enjoyed the regular presence of Congressman Josh Harder before redistricting moved him north have been especially disgruntled by McClintock’s absenteeism. His Modesto office is often unstaffed. Below, former Modesto City Councilmember Bruce Frohman expresses his frustration with McClintock’s remote town hall […]

Gender Harassment at MID? You be the Judge

In a suit filed on May 14, Modesto Irrigation District (MID) Board Member Janice Keating has accused the district and Board Member Robert Frobose of harassment based on her status as a woman. Keating claims that Frobose tried to intimidate her last year, during a January 17 visit to La Grange Dam: “While on the […]

Modesto Mayor and Council Should Receive Fair Compensation

We’re not fans of the current administration for the City of Modesto. Too many councilmembers are incurious and too firmly rooted in the past. Nonetheless, we support pay raises for all. Governing today is far more difficult and time consuming than it was even ten years ago. The pandemic, homelessness, climate change and new laws […]

On Politics — The Valley Citizen’s Endorsements

This election year marks a crucial moment in world history. America’s attempt to create a nation based on our original motto — e pluribus unum — is under siege. While it’s easy to understand nationwide dissatisfaction with both political parties, we shouldn’t ignore that one of those parties has endorsed totalitarianism and is engaged in […]

Congressman Tom McClintock: Worst Representative Ever?

One only needs to read House Representative Tom McClintock’s newsletters to realize how useless he is to the nation, his district, and his constituents. Now that he is up for re-election this year, he has started sending out newsletters extolling his accomplishments after months of silence. Reading and analyzing the newsletter, one may readily discern […]

Will Support for Mike Johnson Hurt Valley Republicans?

After weeks of dysfunction, House Republicans finally approved a Speaker to replace Kevin McCarthy, the San Joaquin Valley Congressman who could never apply the enormous power of the Speaker’s position because he couldn’t appease the party’s MAGA extremists. McCarthy was ousted after a fevered House minority wouldn’t abide his decision that it was more important […]

Homeless: Modesto Council Rejects Safe Ground

At a special meeting of the Modesto City Council on Friday, October 20, Councilmembers rejected a motion to direct staff to study safe sleeping sites for managing homelessness. The vote was four to three. Approximately 100 people turned out for the event, and public support for the proposal was overwhelming. As Councilmember Eric Alvarez noted, […]

Mayor and Council Right to Silence Hate Speech

During public testimony at the September 26 meeting of the Modesto City Council,  speakers using Zoom technology uttered racial slurs and voiced support for Adolph Hitler. Modesto Mayor Sue Zwahlen silenced those speakers. She was right to do so. The speakers using Zoom during the Modesto Council meeting were part of a coordinated effort throughout […]

Should Tom McClintock Retire From Congress?

When Congressman Tom McClintock’s district was redrawn two years ago, the area he serves substantially shifted. Within the newly drawn boundaries, the needs of his constituents are different. As a result, the Congressman is out of touch with voters he represents. Mr. McClintock has been intermittently sending out email newsletters to those who  signed up […]