After rejecting a proposal to develop a safe ground program for homeless people during an October 20 workshop, on November 7 the Modesto City Council voted unanimously to support bridge housing, which could cost as much as $75,000 per unit, according to staff reports. The council voted to spend $3 million of its general budget on the acquisition of tiny homes such as Pallet Shelters to be put on yet-to-be-determined sites throughout the city.
In response to questions about when the first sites might be available, Jessica Hill, the city’s Director of Community and Economic Development, did not have an answer. She said requests for proposals would be going out soon and it might not be until January or February until enough had been received to review for approval. She also said city staff recommends sites no larger than 30 units, which avoids economies of scale and adds significantly to costs per unit. Meanwhile, the city continues to roust sleeping people from the only places they have to lay their heads.
Councilmember Nick Bavaro said that the city currently spends millions of dollars per year on “quality of life” police and fire calls, many of them directly related to homelessness. Those expenses are almost certain to rise for fiscal year 23-24 as sweeps, rousts, citations and busts remain the city’s main tactics for managing homelessness.
Bavaro’s numbers did not include cost of the jail time for “just existing” crimes like trespassing while sleeping, which are on the rise since the city doubled down on sweeps and rousts. Homeless people rousted from public property while sleeping have no choices other than private property for sleeping and resting.
Costs per person when Modesto operated the Modesto Outdoor Emergency Shelter (MOES) were $13/day. The permitted campsite grew to almost 500 people and was severely underfunded — Porta Potties and dumpsters were emptied far too infrequently and services were minimal. Nonetheless, quality of life crimes associated with homelessness dropped significantly.

Assuming that several safe sleeping sites could be well managed at $50/day per person, 200 people could be on safe ground for a year for $3.6 million, assuming they used tents or similar inexpensive shelter. That looks to be a far more cost-effective and pragmatic way to spend taxpayer dollars than a $3 million expenditure for 40 units. Even if that number of units were doubled, it still represents a small fraction of the hundreds of people facing winter on the streets.
The elevated expense for the roughly 64 square foot “pod” units is in large part due to city’s insistence on infrastructure, including for sewer and power. While those are useful amenities, they delay action and are cost-prohibitive. It would cost much less for free-standing pallets or pods that could be placed in parking lots near empty buildings or on vacant lots.
Homelessness is a humanitarian crisis and should be treated like any dire human emergency. Instead, California continues to fail on homelessness because state and local leaders have treated it as though it’s an outbreak of misdemeanors rising to higher crimes.
Humanity is the missing element in the state’s response to homelessness and Modesto’s Mayor and City Council offer a classic example of the hardening of the human heart. Consigning the city’s hundreds of people experiencing homelessness to another winter of harassment on the streets amounts to choosing criminalization over civilization.
Instead of cost-effective and humane safe sleeping sites for many, Modesto’s Mayor and City Council have chosen to be extravagant and cruel with costly domiciles for the lucky few. Meanwhile, homeless people aren’t even permitted to lay their heads on the cold hard ground.
A lot more homeless people are going die! It’s unfortunate that homeless people are going to get sick.
I agree the city is cold blooded
Yes this county is Cold hearted and unfortunately that’s why our heavenly father is gonna take it out first and foremost because of things like this. There is not even any help here for single moms , like me working everyday, trying to do the best we can for our children and give them a well deserved life. This county keeps breaking us down with danger more and more. It’s sad 😔
plz take it upon yourself to do something about this take a few of these people into your own home
THE CITY? BY SLL MEANS . no one stopping any of you from going and taking a few homeless people into your own place.
Where does the $3-5 billion that CA spends to fight homelessness go? I have attempted to find accounting records, but only see very broad reports. I think there are about 170k homeless in CA. So it cones out to $24k/yr per person. $2000/mo. I dont understand how that much $ could be going towards homelessness, and still no results. I suspect that instead of actually solving the problem, maybe the $ is going towards keeping the problem going, and those who are in the business. What do wee need to end homelessness? We need homes. Without the homes we cant end homelessness. Being at a program $1000+/mo per person, with 3-4 people per room, strict rules that no one wants to live under, this is not a home. Someone is getting paid, and it would probably be a safe bet that they dont want to stop getting.paid.
We the people should request a bill be submitted. One that will require a detailed paper trail of to where how much money went and what was bought with it or paid for. A 100% paper trail for every .01¢
Bradley, you have the right request. It is time for full transparency. For starters, the city of
Modesto, the county of Stanislaus, and partnerships must generate: dated, specific line item accountings of all funds earmarked for our homeless, from day one that any funds were received: spreadsheets of accounts receivable, accounts payable, designated purposes; name of person(s) responsible.
There is a more professional way to word such a request, yet we all get the idea. We can request more detail, if and when necessary.
I follow news of other cities’ attempts to assist those who are unhoused, yet only lump sums of funding needed are stated, with the occasional mention of broadly named services lumped together.
I cannot help to wonder how these ballpark questaments all breakdown, AND whether or not all the services are absolutely necessary under the circumstances, when they claim expected shortfalls, and talk of reducing some services.
For instance, how much does city and county have to fund housing services (not sheltering) when there are close to no houses. Is it necessary to run these offices full time? There has to be ways to shave down costs. Is local govt utilizing funds correctly?
Another example is management. What does management entail? Who manages the homeless when there are no pallet cubicles? Do most not manage themselves for the most part? Why suddenly does the city or county need to burn through funding for heightened management expenditures? Is it not because local govt wants to make a bigger deal out of doing some things for the unhoused that the unhoused end up going without?
Funding for temp housing or encampment does not need to include costs for other items that generally come under other service headings, such as for First Responders, etc. It is not fair to sandwich items together and claim padded expenses. After all how much can a vacant lot, fencing, and ice fishing tents cost? Forget about bids, someone needs to do the actual shopping around for the best prices.
Who in local govt is scouring the country for funding? Is that person working full or pt for the unhoused in the position held? What is the position name and who does the searches?
How many homeless ppl does local govt claim to exist, to the state and federal govt?
We need to vote for a compassionate council and get rid of the greedy ones who do not move forward. These are human beings who have a right to life and shelter. We do more for other countries then we do for our own! Gaza, and Ukraine as examples.
Maureen you need to learn how city govt works. The scam is such that the city council members and mayor are nothing more than figure heads with zero power to make any change. The real power sits with the City Manager and City Attorney who control the city govt. To make real change you would need to amend the city’s charter to take away this power and put it back with the elected district council members who are supposed to represent the voters in their district. On top of this you have these city managers who go to annual conferences and get their marching orders from globalists like WEF, this is why every city in the state/country is doing insane things that are just destroying our communities.
Let City Council members sleep in the outdoors for even one night and their hardened hearts might have a change of heart. But of course these overpaid socialites would never agree to suffer voluntarily.
So what. Go to the shelter.
Shelters are usually full when the cold hits. We don’t have enough shelters.
Who’s quality of life is the city concerned with? Their own?? Ppl shouldn’t be in temporary housing at all much less 10 years.
Ppl say SO WHAT, don’t be so cold, all you hv can be taken, you may find yourself having to ask a homeless person how to survive.
Sounds like you’re one of those hardened hearts. It’s not that easy. You can’t just “go to a shelter”. Almost all shelters are filled to capacity. There’s no room in the shelter. Before spouting useless, asinine, things like that, why not actually educate yourself on how things really are in Modesto.
You try and get in the shelters!! If you get in, you can only stay for 17 days then you have to stay gone for 30 days!! What are they supposed to do then? Plus there are less than 400 beds in the whole county, and 2900 homeless!! You are a cold piece! I hope you end up sleeping on the streets, you act like these people want to be out there! More than 20 people died from exposure last winter!!
U don’t understand what it means shelter its f bumber to bumper then your kick out 7am .no where to go cold winter summer time 100degrees . They a small unit a little more privacy when they’re sleeping get them off the streets before they die. Hello Homeless have mental issues get them help .. them
Get them help such as strict programs doesnt work. Most are on drugs. Now before you judge, im saying most are on drugs and they arent going to quit, a program isnt going to work as an actual solution, and really makes little impact on the overall problem. Great for the few that make it through and get life. Now for the others, a lot of them could actually be in society, polite friendly, especially if the fear and looking down on them was removed. These things cause people to lash out, defensively and to act out violently sometimes. Many would actually work if they didnt have to keep a strict schedule. 9-5pm m-f is not going to work. But having a place to live, their own place, still have counsellor meeting 1-2x// mo, but their own place. Then they will want more, and being able to go work for 4 hours that day will be very appealing. Now they may not want to work the next day, and this is why a strict schedule wont work, because they cant keep a job like that. I hope you get the concept, there is much more to explain, this just scratches the surface and to actually develop this simple idea into a plan, addressing the special circumstances and needs with answers would be too long for this comment box. I want to say that it is very difficult for people who have no experience in the situation, and don’t really know any people, i mean know, not know of, but know, like the way they think, the why. Stop putting them in less than homes, with strict rules, that regular people won’t even live by. We spend $24k/yr per homeless person , to fight homelessness, yet we don’t have any actual homes. So who is getting the $. It goes somewhere, and it isn’t going to $2000/ mo rent for the persons own place note: if the person cannot be in society, and commit crime, i e. Assaults, robberies, disturbance, such that anyone would also be arrested then those would go to jail, like anyone would. But they shouldn’t be subjected to extra strict rules and microscope on their personal life, just because they don’t have $, give them their freedom and help them to have life where they are at in life, we all have problems, and sometimes we have to live with that problem, but we can still have life. Oh there is so much to cover.
Homeless adults are like adult children still living at home. Expected to be cared for without having to contribute to the household. No one batd an eye if a parent kicks out a worthless 30yo son who only wants to play video games, but as soon as the drug addled homeless guy doesn’t have a roof, suddenly this able bodied Manis entitled to get everything he hasn’t worked for. It’s moronic. No shelters. Send them down the road.
I agree completely
For a Functioning member of society:
Because no matter how any one, such as yourself, wants to look at this crisis, some are frustrated, due to “them” being “down the road” in what is wrongfully viewed as being inside their own private neighborhood.
Others are much more concerned because “they” are “down” and out. Regardless of how they got “down.” and “out.”
Psychologically,sociologically, & economically, there are many reasons why some are “down.” In your frame of reference, a boot or kick or any other act leading to them laying on roads of asphalt and sidewalks of cement is more “moronic.”
It all leads to a huge issue, for them, and, for others. Likely others, such, as yourself who may one day following in the same footsteps as the economy and mankind’s hearts grow worse, and, the need for stable housing, that is available to all wanes, just as housing that is affordable to all is non-existent.
NOW is the time for all available people to not only consider solutions, but, apply solutions immediately.
Being angry, or selfish, is NOT working. We, at least, must learn lessons foisted upon us. What has self-centeredness done to relieve the pressure off of inevitable outcomes that are besetting us daily? Is it all coincidental? Is there more in it to understand?
Failure to launch are symptoms, we are witnessing/ experiencing, within far too many scenarios, are not going to be remedied by kicking anyone to the curb. God is Love.
We are all born with differing temperaments, resiliencies, and varied giftings. There but by the grace of God go I. And, our neighbors.
I suggest we all seek wisdom, in what explains our differences, and, how to bridge those gaps, towards a path of treating others as we would want to be treated, such as inside what follows:
° The Torah
° The Holy Bible
° Myers-Briggs’s Type Indicator
° Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
° Kolbergs Theory of Moral Development
Almighty God purposely made each of us with a need to Seek Him, in order to Renew our minds, reading His WORD, in order to have agency to become His Peacemakers, rather than be agents of wrath.
God is the God of order, eager to order our steps. May we all do a 180° turn back to God, defined as our repentance.
Because we have turned out back to Him, do we each suffer consequences?
And these are the people we elected to lead our city I mean their city. Modesto sickens me through and through. I’m homeless and work a full-time and part-time job and this city has taken all this money to help the homeless to instead make their pockets fat and deceive. Every dog has it day and I can’t wait for the day this city is sued for their inhumanity and ugliness. Next election I hope we all pay attention to who we vote for.
First issue is dealing with the addictions of the homeless and the mental illness. MOST homeless people on the streets are not homeless by financial disadvantages, but rather homeless due to drug addiction. Placing them into pods will create a place for them to use and destroy and not “fix” the problem in any way, and it becomes a tax loophole.
Build more inpatient mental hospitals, get them the help they need, sobriety, counseling, job skills, life skills and n them help them with housing and retaining it in their own at a low cost.
For those who feel so sorry for the homeless, saying poor this poor that, take them in and shelter them if you feel so sorry for them.
My own experience of being out to help the homeless has shown me that MOST do not want the help but rather want the handouts
Obviously your have never been homeless or have a family member who is homeless? Many, many homeless lost their homes because of high cost of renting. There are also the homeless that work and live out of their cars because here in Modesto you have to make 28 dollars an hour to qualify for an average one bedroom apartment because of the ridiculous requirement of having to make 3 times the amount of the rent. And don’t forget how many lost their jobs and turned to drugs to dull the pain and hopelessness. Another group of people are the disabled on SSI. Do you honestly think they can qualify for an apartment? 900 dollars doesn’t qualify you for even a studio. Even section 8 has a wait list of years. Stop thinking they are just mental or drug addicts. Yes some have mental illness. And many are on drugs, but don’t be thinking they just woke up one day and said “Hey, I think I’ll become a drug addict.” Many turn to drugs for a reason. You say you helped the homeless? Obviously you know nothing about the homeless.
Here here!! Well said. I myself was recently homeless. I am disabled and have my mental health issues. I wasn’t homeless due to or because of drugs. I was one of the lucky few as I was able to get section 8. Took 3 months of me living in my car, staying in hotels with the help of the county or in a tent at a friend’s house. And you’re right, everyone is asking 3-5x’s the amount of rent in income. If you had a cosigner, they want the cosigner to make 5x’s the rent. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I know I couldn’t meet those amounts. It’s very discouraging to say the least
Mary, you’re awesome!
I just want to say with the cost of living since Biden has been in office is ridiculous. Have u seen rent or even buying prices. Not everyone that is homeless is looking for a handout. Not all are on drugs. They had the tent city and took it away and brought back all the crime .
Yes this is true.
And how about closing the southern border to stop the influx of more ppl to slap down on our sidewalks. The more city provides, the more “they” take. Many homeless don’t want to work or provide for themselves. They don’t care about following rules.
We cannot even take care of our homeless veterans, what an absolute shame that is.
You are 100% correct. Practical compassion. Not socialism. Help those who want help, not those looking for handouts.
Tbe fact here is this why don’t you ask homeless people what they want instead of making their choice.
Michelle, you are wise.
If, you are homeless, would you tell us, what do you want?
If, anyone reading this is homeless, would you tell us what you want the City of Modesto, and, the County of Stanislaus, to do for you?
What do you want, for, or from, others with or without homes?
Please, tell us what you would choose.
Thank you, one, and, all…
Section 8 given to every tenant of these new pallet housing help those who are in the process of helping themselves. The ones transitioning out of hopelessness should be grabbed and picked up and out as quick as possible. Drug testing mandatory before housed in these pallet homes, just to insure that they Can, and Will do well once they are safe back under a roof. Don’t just place them in housing and forget about them continue to motivate and hold them accountable and remind them it’s thier life THEY have to want it and only ThEY can take it back and make something of it. Seperation of those eager to move foreword in life will help place more focus on those that need the most help, those suffering a mental illness or dealing with addiction or both need and should be given the most resources and attention by the other agencies in Modesto Behavioral heath, non profits, hospitals, and our cities churches are all playing a huge roll in bringing life back to the dying both spiritually and physically, more money to programs that work, more attention to Where an individual or family experiencing homeless actually are on Let’s call it, The Spectrum of Hopefulness or The ladder to housing like chutes and ladders place them somewhere! then move em on up and out! Modesto does a great job and has many resources to help people help themselves It’s just connecting people helpful faces and encouraging places! They have to want to live many don’t care and that’s what’s sad! Modesto being the heart of California has a healthy not hardened heart which gives me hope for all of California to thrive and survive this crisis of the mind, heart and soul.
These comments are a fair start. I say let it rip. Don’t hold back. Let us hear more.
Modesto City Council could not have expected this reaction. They probably think they deserve pats on the their backs for a willingness to cough up $3Million for the unhoused.
Was $75K each unit stated? Was 40 units stated? If so, how do they think they are going about there plan the right way? When are they going to let us in on how they arrive at such? Better yet when are they going to let us in on brainstorming?
I have heard figures of a mere 450 or so unhoused in Modesto. I do not trust the Point In Time figures. None of the counters are tredging through the dark recesses looking for heads to count. Doing any count in the dead of winter seems contrived to assure the count remains low. The HUD and no cities are seeking higher figures to have to juggle around. They would not want to seem as more of a failure than the lower count projects.
Forty subtracted out of four hundred and fifty unhoused leaves a huge number of unattended homeless people. We know the real count is easily quadrupled. Did City Council call this up and coming development a tiny Pilot Program?
Let’s get back down to basics. What is Modesto City Council’s plan to keep what amounts to masses of unhoused people warm, dry, fed, and out of the pound for this winter? For next spring, summer, fall, and winter, and so on.
I say fed because The Salvation Army is not going to feed all these masses daily as was proposed by a MoCAG member, on 11/07/2023, on camera, at the Modesto City Council meeting. He in my opinion works against, more than for, the unhoused. He claims to want to ease the unhoused’s burden, yet every time I hear from him he has hemmed them in more.
Now he has gone and hemmed in those who feed the unhoused with permits. How convenient for how he wants all to flow his way. And do not think it was not obvious how Mayor Zwahlen was aware he would be using 3 minutes to raise his already in the bag capture of freedoms away from the unhoused, and from the food servants who enjoy their time with their unhoused friends. We are to serve the unhoused and poor not lead them around with hook-like permits denying them what they have come to know as choice.
When I prepared hot and cold meals from scratch and brought it to those in need of nourishment, we all came to enjoy our scheduled outings together. It was also a time to share the WORD of God to those who chose to stay after they ate. Noone were never expected to hear about the Bible in order to eat. We leisurely answered questions about the Bible and listened to what they had in mind. It was genuine fellowship. No one wants to have to eat at the same restaurant every day, nor have to settle for the same ambiance, or lack thereof, daily.
I am certain many will enjoy the Day Center, but do not take away unhoused freedoms to chose. Also, the unhoused purchase foods elsewhere, so a lack of clean up is not to be blamed on unpermitted servants, any more than it can be blamed on all the unhoused. We always provided large plastic bags for all trash and recyclables to be deposited into and they were gladly appreciated.
It is a real thorn in my side to hear some homeowners put their own spin on what they think will benefit themselves, over benefit to the growing masses of unhoused. Rents, mortgages, and expenses are on the rise and fewer incomes meet the cost of living. Expect more masses to come. Forty overpriced squatty pallets are yet another way to enrich the pockets of a mere few.
My advise to you Mayor and City Council is to learn how to do the math, for the sake of doing humanitarian actions. You, too, Board of Supervisors.
First, I want to thank you for feeding both the souls and the bellies of those in need like we are all called to do:) don’t lose hope it spreads like a rainbow! but bittherness spreads as well, like a virus! If you can’t help anymore like you were find another way to do! Volunteer at places that can serve and feed the homeless their are many many non profits that NEED help especially at the holidays! 🙂 don’t be pissed off it clouds your ability to create and see new ways to counter your current challenges with wanting to do something different and more along how and what you want but it’s not about US:) it’s about Gods suffering people so we find ways around the paperwork ‘legally’ of course don’t let your heart harden! Keep up the Great work were there’s a will there’s a way, find another way! God Bless You!
A bill has passed that allows churches and universities to have fast track in zoning and permits for shelter on their properties. This was signed October 11th and comes into effect 2024. We can duplicate what Community Supported Shelter in Eugene, Oregon is doing. Why wouldn’t we?
In my own personal opinion that being said im homeless as well 3 children a wife woth a baby on the way and i work 2 full time jobs to makes ends meet im a modesto native of close to 40 years and i tell you my 2 full time jobs dont even meet criteria for the housing here in modesto it sickens me to see all you upperclassman acting like you didnt start at the bottom or never had to struggle a day in your lives walk a mile in the shoes ofa man that lost everything because of the pandamic that all the while was a cover so that the political vaginas of this city took all of our freedoms away from us and continue to do so i personally say $3 million can be stretched further then that and the city officials know it is true they are lying to us all and lining theyre own pockets for the financial gain all they are is the modern day mafia they see illness and decite and crime and do nothing but let one of us see that and were named as accomplises to a crime they police in this city havent met their quota the right way in a couple years and now around the end of the month (every month) you see police out in groups attacking the homeless arresting them for the most petty of things and thats disgusting theyre the most racist police department officials ive ever encountered mind you i dont have an arrest record and havent planned on it but what i have planned on is letting my voice be heard i strongly disagree with the tactics used today to help the less fortunate people of our city.
Growing up i was always taught to rise above it all and speak out about the bad you see going on around you and damn it im sick. Im sick of it being treated as if its only a drug addicts problem when more then half of us are not drug addicts more then most of us were dealt a bad hand and left with this in our wakes its people that are stuck on that pedestal with theyre never had to do nothing but lice off mommy and daddy money that need the harsh reality of the depths of it all i seen someone had said for the city officials to step out of theyre comfort zones for 1 noght and see how this 1% actially lives theyd be crying inside 6 hours begging for help isnt the case either and anyone that calls it befging dont know what they are actually talking about i tell you like this if it was my decision id make it happen for the unhoused and less fortunate not only because ive been there but because its the right damn thing to do it gets old having people hate on your every action or watching your every movement looking in disguste like theyre better thwn we are and in reality its all those lames that need to have something stripped from their life and placed at the bottom of the polls then they can see what its really like
Weather they are flying a sign for donations or swinging a hammer its a hustle and its like the 99% that thinks theyre better then that who really need to see the out ome cause reminder 65% of you are barely getting by and youll be the next ones on your asses if you dont stop worrying about dumb shit and start worrying about this coming year when cost of living reaches its all time high of 55% higher then its ever been then what will we see more cry babies worried about the way of life no itll be genocide and all these millennial kids are in for a sad truth get on your game better and then try forcing us out cause the mayor barely make that cost of living bracket he could be on his ass in a snap know that
Modesto officials don’t give a shit. Not every one is a drug addict . people can’t afford food,rent,gas,I feel like we are in a third world country.all of those who voted for Biden ,,are u happy paying higher prices,really ,i am a trumper all the way ,and im brown ,he got shit done
There people that are homeless, sleeping on the sidewalk. Most of them are on drugs. And as much they would like to clean up and redo their life it seems hard cause the addiction is so strong and it takes control of their life. Putting them in little houses I don’t think it will help them only to continue to use and sleep warm. Not cold. I think if your putting them in a pod or a home . Drug test them before they get in . And as long as the keep testing clean they keep their pod or unit . If they test positive . Then they lose their pod. Then you’ll know how serious they want to change their life and do better for themself. This one way of helping the homeless. I would like to volunteer and help the city with the homeless.
And where is the 53 million the city was granted over the past 3 years? Cause they sure ain’t using it on the homeless…someone needs to sue the city!!!
It’s sad that the people of Modesto have no love nor compassion the homeless is suffering far more than the community could imagine and alot have been taken from the homeless from donations to the funding, its not being used to better the homeless but fatten all the politicians pockets and now they have the balls to put them in tiny homes unfit for any one we as human beings need to forget about ourselves and put ourselves in their shoes, yes some have drug issues, others mental, some even afraid to deal with couping skills of everyday life is scary for anybody that’s been in the situations the homeless has been in for so long most of them need lots and lots of positives in their life’s something to believe in again hope not pushing them away because you thing or we think we’re better than them because your well off or thing oh that won’t or can’t happen to me that’s a lie because no one is better nor above or perfect on God the almighty. You people who hide in your big house and your bank accounts that doesn’t mean anything to God and we all have fell in the trap of the enemy and its a same you trying to kill off your on kind and you say it’s going to cost to much money and how it’s going to effect the economy. The homeless didn’t mess this place up the community did when people like the rich middle class senators, the Government all ya’ll think about is your selfish needs and want when at the end of the day it’s not yours to do what you been doing with all the blessings. Yours Truely and Compassionate Always
My dad was homeless for years in modesto and any help that he was ever offered was shot down quick because these people don’t want to live by societies rules. He lied, manipulated, and stole his way on the streets because he would rather be loaded. So many people and programs tried to help him but most of the time the fact is these people are outlaws and enjoy the outlaw lifestyle. I heard it a million times. Sticking them into tiny pods will only guarantee 4 walls to get high around and not the street. It’s a cash grab to line somebody’s pocket at city hall. More needs to be done concerning mental health and drugs. And ya, biden has made everything worse, but where’s the hate for Newsome? Stop voting these loser democrats into office and maybe things would improve.
Stop wasting money on temporary housing. The housing,pallet homes will go the way of the tent city. Make housing permanent.
Give property owners the reason to help. Empty warehouses could be used to make housing similar to storage units. Most of the cost is already there. Upgrades needed but several home less can be housed daily or monthly.
Use to be homeless for about 15 years. I cried when I read this. All those memories I suppressed came back. How horrible for a group of people to act this way. You guys are unfit for your job. PLEASE, rethink this. No person should have to go through this. I beg you. Please change your mind with your heart.
Time to vote these heartless people out. They care nothing for humanity. Safe sites where 200 or more could camp would have been much better. 40 units only covers 40 people. That’s a crime as far as I’m concerned. I voted so, I’ll vote you gone
I don’t like that there is no accountability from the city counsel and mayor for all the money going out to benefit 40 when thousands are homeless. Maybe we need to go to the governor about this city leaders. All I see is for profit measures. Whos Profit?
There are 2 empty buildings on the west side of town by the freeway. An old ace hardware, and kb toys. The parking lot is huge. Bathrooms are built in. Why in all of the common sense in the world can this not be the place for homeless people to lay their heads and be safe. This could be a cool place in the summer and warming area in winter. There is an old walmart building in Ceres why not utilize it. All of this talking and no action from the city board is on my nerves. I will not vote for ANYONE of them when it comes to reelection. I hope they are never put in this position of being homeless. Let us get this train up and running. Winter is upon us and these people are not in good health.
I agree that they aren’t handling it right. We need to stop the requirement that you need to prove that you make 3 to 5 times the amount of the rent, lower rents to 1\3 of income, stop claiming its all about mental illness or drugs and get people working again. There’s a lot of political and religious issues involved as well. People are increasingly being asked if they’re the manager’s religion in jobs and losing those jobs if they aren’t and won’t convert. No the EEOC doesn’t do anything about this. They always say there’s no evidence even if the employer admits it. Because this was happening right before we got our independence as a nation, it was one of the reasons they included separation of church and state in our founding. Several non christian groups have tried to help the homeless but were denied permits and told only churches were allowed by the city of Modesto. Most free countries include employment and housing as basic human rights. If we adopted the international declaration of human rights, this would become a priority.
Don’t know what the solution is but the city already receives state and federal funds I don’t think giving any government more $$ is going to produce solutions…all the people talking about rousting people where they sleep,lol, I guess u would be good with them sleeping in your doorway to your I said don’t know what an answer is but everyday the missions and shelters have empty beds
Open the state Hospitals! Help those that can be helped, and house those that can’t be returned to a working social environment!
Thank you Reagan!!
I appreciate people like Mary & a few other’s that have given great wisdom in their Post here,but in All honesty Homelessness isn’t getting corrected because those that can Fix it refuse to & those that are claiming they’re addressing it are extorting from it’s funding, largely because they have no clue how to lead,they continue to address the effects of Homelessness & Not the causes. California,The City Leadership & County have failed epically. You can give out 10,000 Sec8 vouchers but if there’s No Housing to use them for, it’s a useless waist of funding. The Building of Housing in this State & County has been in a deficit for decades & has only got worse during Covid.Building codes & regulations have been abused by Nimbyism to extremes to block Affordable Housing thereby raising building & housing costs as well as contributing to raising crime rates.Then you compound that with wages that haven’t kept up with inflation & to further compound that you have property management companies sucking everything they can from people that have next to nothing left & landlords that have no business being landlords & non-profit religious groups that get funding to help & only help just enough to continue to get funding & grants.All of this with a list too long to continue here have created this horrific mess & if this community continues to ignore the facts that their way isn’t working & hasn’t worked to any form or fashion & keeps doing what they’ve done,This will get exponentially worse. We Must have Leadership that can actually Lead & that refuses to settle for the bare minimum.Our Community & that includes Our Homeless deserve better than small town thinkers with big problems.