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Tag: Common birds of the San Joaquin Valley

Double Feature: Jim Gain’s “Learn 100 Common Valley Birds #26 and 27

We’re proud to publish Jim Gain’s series, “Learn 100 Common Valley Birds.” An educator, naturalist and superb photographer, there is more of Jim’s superb work at Reflections of the Natural World. It’s always worth a visit to see Jim’s most recent posts. Here, we have a double feature: Numbers 26 and 27 with species 42 […]

Learn 100 Common Valley Birds #23 and 24: Tits, Nuts, and Creeps

Educator, naturalist, and photographer supreme, Jim Gain’s Reflections of the Natural World offers a trove of concise lessons in natural history as well as excursions into the beautiful world of avian diversity as revealed in images as far away as Central and South America and as close to home as your own back yard. We’re […]

Learn 100 Valley Birds #21: Swainson’s Hawk (species #33)

An educator and naturalist, Jim Gain is also a superb photographer. We’re proud to publish his series, “Learn 100 Common Valley Birds.” Here is post #21. Be sure to visit Reflections of the Natural World for more of Jim’s fine work. ed. Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) is a migratory raptor that breeds in North America […]

Learn 100 Common Valley Birds # 19: Burrowing Owl – (Species #29)

An educator and naturalist, Jim Gain is also a superb photographer. We’re proud to publish his series, “Learn 100 Common Valley Birds.” Here is post #19. Be sure to visit Reflections of the Natural World for more of Jim’s fine work. ed. The Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) is a small, ground-dwelling owl that is native […]