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Tag: Devin Nunes

On the Public Record is just too Good

Sometimes it’s easy to forget how little most of us really know about water in the San Joaquin Valley. And even when we do know just a little, it’s even easier for what little we know to be submerged in the flood of mis- and disinformation that fills most of our media most of the […]

Valley Water, Valley Politics: A Fact Pattern

An acre foot of water is the amount of water that it takes to occupy an acre of land at one foot deep. It’s generally assumed that a family of four in a water-rich region will use about one acre foot of water per year; two families can use the same amount if conserving water […]

A Scheme to Throw Good Water After Bad

Leave it to a crisis to bring out the worst in those who helped bring it about.  Led by Devin Nunes, three San Joaquin Valley Republicans are trying to overturn legislation that restored flows to the San Joaquin River after over two decades of litigation. Never mind that a wide consensus of scientific opinion agrees […]