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Tag: Learn Valley Birds

Learn 100 Common Valley Birds: Species #69/100

Few things on earth fill us with as much delight as birds, and knowing them by name only adds to our pleasure. In California’s Central Valley, with only a little bit of effort, anyone can learn 100 local bird species. Valley residents almost daily come in contact with at least a dozen species that most […]

Posts #62-67 in Jim Gain’s “Learn 100 Common Valley Birds”

Jim Gain’s series, “Learn 100 Common Valley Birds” may be the best introduction anywhere to the common birds of the San Joaquin Valley. An accomplished naturalist and superb photographer, Jim offers the beginning birder quick and easy lessons for identifying and enjoying the common birds around us. We’ve previously published complete versions of each previous […]

Valley Blackbirds: #29 in “Learn 100 Common Valley Birds” (49, 50, & 51 + 1)

For nature lovers, Jim Gain’s Reflections of the Natural World is like a field trip into   exotic regions where birds are revealed in all their glorious splendor. We’re proud to publish his series, “Learn 100 Common Valley Birds.” See more of Jim’s fine work here. ed.  Red-winged Blackbird #49 The Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) is […]

#25 in Learn 100 Common Valley Birds (Species 39, 40 & 41)

Educator, naturalist, and photographer supreme, Jim Gain’s Reflections of the Natural World offers a trove of concise lessons in natural history as well as excursions into the beautiful world of avian diversity as revealed in images as far away as Central and South America and as close to home as your own back yard. We’re proud […]

Learn 100 Valley Birds #5: Dark-eyed Junco

Among the many joys of birding, the arrival of winter visitors is an ongoing thrill. With September looming, birders and nature lovers will be looking forward to the arrivals of White- and Golden-crowned Sparrows as well as the distinctive “little birds with the hoods.” Here, Jim Gain gives us his usual spectacular images and the […]