One only needs to read House Representative Tom McClintock’s newsletters to realize how useless he is to the nation, his district, and his constituents. Now that he is up for re-election this year, he has started sending out newsletters extolling his accomplishments after months of silence. Reading and analyzing the newsletter, one may readily discern that what he is doing is either meaningless or counter to what is in the best interests of his constituents.
In his latest newsletter, McClintock rants about issues such as immigration and aid to those in need. Oddly, he has accomplished nothing to solve problems that he rants about.
He rants about socialism and deficit spending, but voted for the two trillion dollar tax cut that mainly benefitted the wealthiest one percent (billionaires) and supports socialism for big corporations. Few in his district actually realized tax cuts. I don’t personally know of anyone who actually received a tax cut. He talks about how hard he is working, but has no accomplishment FOR HIS DISTRICT to brag about.
McClintock’s newsletter boasts about his local district offices, which are taxpayer funded. We should be grateful that the Congressman has district offices to serve his constituents, as does every other Congressman. This is the lowest common denominator of expectations for any Congressman. It’s not an accomplishment that merits praise. The last time I called the local district office during business hours, no one answered the phone; I had to call the office in Washington DC to talk to someone, a toll call.
McClintock’s caucus has not yet passed a budget that was due on October 1st of last year. While he voted to extend last year’s budget, he has not appropriated any additional money to shore up the southern border, nor to defend Ukraine or Israel against aggressors.
McClintock has not passed immigration reform that has bi-partisan agreement in the Senate and that would enable the nation to regain control of the border. He complains about the border problem and then obstructs a solution.
Big Mac has done nothing for his district, which includes part of the Central Valley and the Sierra. He voted against the infrastructure bill that allocated $50 million to rehabilitate the Port of Stockton. If one ever talks to McClintock in person, ask him how much money he has brought to his district in which he cast a “yes” vote. In reality, he voted against receiving money that would benefit his district, including the major infrastructure bill passed by the Biden administration.
Homelessness in the Valley continues to be a major problem. He has not voted for his district to receive any relief, ranting that aid to abate the problem is “socialism.”
Mr. McClintock supports corrupt politicians in congress. He voted to allow New York Congressman George Santos to keep his seat despite a litany of alleged misdeeds that very likely will result in future detention. The congressman believes in “innocent until proven guilty” only if it is someone he likes. Fortunately, a majority of honest politicians with conscience expelled Santos, despite McClintock’s negative vote.
In his latest newsletter, the congressman boasted that two new laws recently were passed by a committee he serves on and sent to the full Congress for consideration. But they still have not passed the full Congress:
HR6678, “Consequences for Social Security Fraud Act,” does nothing to shore up the Social Security trust funds, which is the real problem on the horizon. The Act will not prevent fraud. No money was allocated to detect fraud or to enforce it. Why? Because we have not passed a budget and we don’t even know whether money for this bill has been included in the budget negotiations.
HR6679, “No Immigration Benefits For Hamas Terrorist Act,” does not enhance national security or the defense budget. Yes, it sounds important. But how many Hamas terrorists are trying to get benefits from the U.S. government? This bill is a big nothing burger.
In his newsletter, McClintock promises to hold phone-in town hall meetings like his predecessor Jeff Denham did. I was never able to gain access to ask questions and in this format, he simply dodges questions of insightful callers and hangs on the phone with sycophants. McClintock will never hold a public in-person town hall meeting, except maybe by invitation to campaign donors, because he knows he would be grilled for his lack of accomplishment and extremist political views that provide no benefit to his district.
Perhaps there ought to be a law entitled “Anti-Fraud and Propaganda in a Congressional Newsletter Act.” The penalty would be immediate retirement for the offending Congressman. McClintock would be at the top of the list of those deserving removal.
Excellent assessment of mcClintock’s record and service and I have called local office and never got a answer or callback. He’s a loafer and a sponger.
mcClintock has twice voted against impeaching mayorkis and endorses letting illegals flood into our country. this guy is a RINO and is a danger to our country
Spot on.
Thank you for this information about our do-nothing Congressional representative. He is a dinosaur. I am so so sorry that the last redistricting map put him in our midst.
one of us should run for the seat….and I am not just saying that….
I have not read McClintock’s propaganda newsletter because I do not think they are worth my time. I do believe because of the reorganization of the old district; we are now represented by a Mussolini wing Republican
I couldn’t agree more. Although I am not in his district, I have sent him many letters asking him to stop following the Trump crowd and get something done. I have pointed out that that is his job. That is what we elected him to do. I don’t even get a courtesy ‘Will get back to you later” letter. I wish I was in his district and could vote against him.
Following the Trump crowd is getting something done! Halting the Biden Southern Border human trafficking operation and eliminating the IRS are in the best interests of the American people. Looking forward to his return after proving the 2020 election steal and holding the traitors accountable.
I’m in his district and I get notifications about upcoming open office hrs. The notices come only a few hrs before the office opens and the office will be open for one hour. In other words, guaranteeing no one shows up because of the very short notice.
Great information as always, Mr Caine. Unfortunately, I have to say, this article could be written about 70 to 80% of our men and women in Congress. There is a reason why Congress’s approval rating is under 20%.
I just received another newsletter from McClintock, saying that the bills mentioned in the article above passed on a Partisan basis.
I worked for Social Security for 32 years, including in the unit that investigated fraud. I never needed to investigate aliens who were collecting Social Security that did not earn their benefits.
In his newsletter, Mc Clintock called the SSA bureaucracy inept. I doubt he knows anything about the program beyond the ideological misinformation that his colleagues propagate.
I see no value to his district in the bills he helped pass. Everything he puts out is pure propaganda except maybe to conspiracy theorists who eat up every word.
When you start out your article with tax cuts only affecting the wealthy we all know exactly where this is going. My wife and I are far from wealthy making far under 100k on social security yet we realized over 2 grand in overall savings. The corporate welfare is a competitive hand to companies as well as consumers.
Corporations don’t pay taxes. They are passed on to the consumers who can least afford it.
I’m not sticking up for the congressman by any means because I totally disagree with his standing on immigration and the Secretary.
McClintock is a do nothing Rep.. He acts as if the addition of most of the people of Stanislaus County was no reason to work any harder. We lost the real worker, J. Harder. McClintock’s supposed offices are not manned except on the days he advertises, I believe. He doesn’t ask questions but does sermon like talking as to what he thinks important. In other words he is like most of his party in the fact they are lemming like followers of Trump.. By not voting for the Senate Immigration bill, he helped propagate the lies that Trump consistently spreads about those seeking a new life. In other words he never gave it, the bill, even a passing thought. The House majority is causing the Gov. to degrade by not tending to the job they were voted to do. Their unnamed main job is to hinder the Gov. And cause it to flounder and McClintock is in it.