“A stake was driven through the heart of American democracy on January 6, 2021, and our democracy today is on a knife’s edge.” MJ Luttig
When even Ann Coulter admits that Donald Trump is a grifter, there’s really no sense trying to convince those who still support him of the truth. Coulter is only the latest and most radical of nominal “conservatives” to dump Trump.
Conservative pundits like David Brooks, George Will, and Bret Stephens cut ties long ago. Even party mercenaries like Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson jumped off the Trump train early on. None of them, however, has been able to loosen Trump’s stranglehold on the Republican Party.
Now, Michael J Luttig has shifted attention from Trump’s big grift to members of the Republican Party itself. Luttig is the retired Judge from the United States Court of Appeals whose conservative credentials are so strong he was on George W Bush’s short list for Supreme Court nominees.
Luttig’s measured testimony to the January 6 Committee on June 15 marked an inflection point in American history if only because he was able to speak truth from the disinterested perspective of a retired judge who holds impeccable conservative credentials.

To witness someone who is aware he is talking to history while making history is thrilling enough in itself. But, especially today, to witness a true conservative who takes his mission for righteous justice more seriously than himself is like a watching an alien visitor from another dimension. Today’s Republicans — Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, JD Vance, Kevin McCarthy, Ron DeSantis — take your pick — never manage to achieve moral gravity because the ambition that inflates their lust for power also detaches them from foundational values of truth, integrity, and love of country.
Judge Luttig, on the other hand, has dedicated his life to those same conservative values. Valley Republicans who love their country need to do two things. First, reflect on Judge Luttig’s statement to the January 6 Committee. Second, come to the defense of their country by repudiating Donald Trump and the January 6 Insurrection and agreeing that Joe Biden is the dutifully elected President of the United States.
As Judge Luttig says,
In order to end these wars that are draining the lifeblood from our country, a critical mass of our two parties’ political leaders is needed, to whom the remainder would be willing to listen, at least without immediate partisan recrimination. The logic for reconciliation of these wars being waged in America today dictates that this number needs to include a critical mass of leaders from the former president’s political party and that those leaders need to go first. All of these leaders then need to summon first the moral courage and then the political courage, the strength, and the patriotic will to extend their hands, and ask of the others — and of all Americans — “Can we talk? America needs us.”
Now is the time for Valley Republicans to come to the aid of their country. Repudiate Donald Trump and pledge allegiance to the United States of America. Kevin McCarthy: Are you listening?
The Left wing’s cry for action: January 6. The right’s cry for action: 2000 Mules, the stolen election. I sure am glad I now mostly read the Manteca/Ripon Bulletin- a more conservative paper or at least Middle of the road. Epoch times as well. This online paper leans left, yet, in some cases, especially on water issues. I will listen. Enjoy your conspiracy theories – The many other claims of Trumps issues have all been debunked. This one too, will eventually go away. One day, just maybe, a younger generation of politicians will arise and stop this madness- and consider seeking a compromise. California legislatures form a committee to study gas prices, yet most of us know- the reason why we Californians pay a high price for gas is all caused by Sacramento Politicians. Be sure to thank them when they add their new taxes on your gas price in one week- higher gas taxes in California- with the worst roads in the world- where is all that money going? Hmmm…….the best way for politicians to get you to not ask those silly questions is to decry Conspiracy. Don’t pay attention to what is really happening- only pay attention to our conspiracy theory…….PT Barnum was right here in California- there is a sucker born every minute- and most of them are you left wing folks for believing your politicians are here to help you.
Mr. Woods: Can you offer one reason why I should prefer your versions of history, law, and politics to those of Judge Luttig?
We’ve reached the end of fiction and irony. Best to think of America as a religious-based fast food corporation, and Trump supporters as the tubby, diabetic, wheelchair-bound disciples hitting the drive thru for a milkshake. Nunes works the window. Their blood sugar will redline, but all is well because the second coming is 2024.
JT: We’ve also reached the end of history. Winston Smith has become the editor-in-chief of today’s realities.
The January 6 Investigation Committee is performing an extremely valuable service, documenting how Trump, Eastman, and several others attempted to overturn the 2020 election despite no documented election fraud. Worse, they instilled violence in their followers through misinformation and threatened members of the committee, like Rep. Kinzinger, and everyday Americans volunteering their time as election officials and poll workers. Republicans have to ask themselves, is this the party that speaks for me? To tie yourself and your party to Donald Trump is to lose your soul.
In reply to Mr. Woods statement that all progressives are bad and all conservatives are good. I know a lot of republicans and most are good people they only need leaders like Judge Luttig to guide conservatives from Russian Putin Republicanism to American Connotational principles
The California gas price problem is caused by Capitalist Petroleum monopolies not building more refineries and keeping gasoline inflation for their pocket book an investigation is needed
Mr Caine your article is great and on point.
Mr. Woods: Judge Luttig is not the only conservative and/or Republican to testify. Almost all of the witnesses have been conservatives. Some followed along Trump’s path until they said, “I won’t cross that line.” Thankfully, a number spoke up earlier. Many served – let me emphasize the word served – in non-partisan positions. After all, election officials are expected to park their party affiliations at the door so the election will reflect true votes, not their preferred votes. The testimonies have included lucid, intelligent examinations of law and policy as well as some pretty enlightening conversations. As I used to tell my English classes, “Just because you declare it (a premise or thesis) to be true doesn’t make it true.” One of my favorite quotes was from Guiliani, “We have lots of theories. We just don’t have proof.” (Someone can correct me if it wasn’t Guiliani.)
Damon woods you lead with the words “left wing’s. Then the “rights cry” muddies the water and and so forth. I was left wondering what you really believe in, as you appear to say that Trump’s issues were debunked by whom? Even gas prices here and all over the GLOBE are Sacramento Califonia’s fault. Quite a reach they have. You certainly don’t seem to be swayed by Judge Luttig’ life long service to conservatism and his opinions.
JT, I appreciate your descriptions of Trumps followers, but believe you over simplified their characters. Not all are as you described. Many of those at the “rally” Insurrection really believed they were coming to the Countries defense because the President told them. After all Trump was a Snake oil salesman in President clothing. He’s good at it and that’s about all he’s good at unfortunately.
Kent and Al, I agree with you. I fear Al, that you are very optimistic about how the Republicans will change their minds and who can do it. Some seem to have a built in shield against the truth. Religions have gotten into the mix and with that messiahs and emotional baggage.
All my opinions of course.
Mr. Caine, I really like your articles. They reflect my views and are very informative. I suppose that has a lot do do with my approval.
Thank you Diane. More to come.
Mr. Woods- At the Jan 6 hearings multiple Republican witnesses said they asked Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, etc. for PROOF of election fraud. They were told it existed, asked for it, and were promised it, but never got it. From your comments, it seems you did get it. I’d love to see it. A link to a reputable source would suffice. I’d even be willing to consider a non-reputable source.
I understand. Ordinarily I don’t use such condescending and inflammatory language. But…they started it. When a group of people try to overthrow the government through coercion and violence — the gloves must come off. Basic political differences do require empathy and understanding, but (some…many?) of these folks are nutjobs led by a malignant narcissistic lunatic, and they aren’t done.
Minds are like any other muscle. They need nourishment and exercise, otherwise they get weak and useless. Mr. Woods isn’t actually thinking; he’s simply repeating bumper sticker messaging from Hannity and others. Some of these people are already saying, “I only did what I was told.”
Reason doesn’t work. I prefer to brand them like cattle.
I was glad to read Damon Woods’ wonderful satire! He wrote from the viewpoint of a mind unblemished by seeing the events take place in real-time TV coverage of the Capitol on January 6th, further compounded by willful ignorance of the witness’ revelations during the hearings. It’s clear he understands the inner mind of an insurrectionist, something I have struggled mightily to grasp. Who else would be unmoved by the testimony of those ordinary individuals, whose livelihood, reputation, and privacy have been utterly destroyed as collateral damage from zealotry in service of a colossal egotist with boundless ambition and greed. The only thing missing is how much Mr. Wood contributed to the non-existent “Election Defense Fund” that raised $250 million from true believers.