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Tag: Evin Yadegar

Yadegar Shooting Comes into Focus: It Doesn’t Get any Prettier

A report from Steve Ringhoff at modestoexplained.com The .45 caliber bullet did exactly what it was designed to do. It killed. Entering the body of Evin Olsen Yadegar at the left rear shoulder,  expanding, mushrooming, fracturing bone and lacerating vessels, organs and muscles, slowing from about 600 miles per hour—the speed at which it left […]

Mentally Ill: Modesto’s Tragedy is a Nation’s Tragedy

Modesto lost a piece of its heart last month. News that Hanibal Yadegar’s wife Evin had been shot in Ripon by a Stanislaus County Deputy Sheriff drove pangs of anguish deep into the core of a community that years ago learned to love the Yadegars and their downtown restaurant. If the Gallo Theater for the […]