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Tag: Measure X Modesto

Stockton to Get 118 New Police Officers—Modesto Zero, by Bruce Frohman

On the day that the citizens of Modesto voted down Measure X, voters in Stockton passed the sales tax increase on their ballot. In fact, of ten cities that had sales tax increases on their ballots, Modesto was the only one whose measure failed to pass. KCRA-TV Channel 3 News reported this week that because of […]

Bee Says No to Modesto, Yes to Developers

The tipoff that the Modesto Bee was going to oppose Measure X came when the Bee suddenly decided to cover the Ridenour administration. Modesto Mayor Jim Ridenour’s term ended in 2012. He enjoyed eight years in office that were remarkably free from scrutiny. It was only at the tail-end of his tenure that Ridenour’s administration […]

City Of Modesto Needs To Pass Sales Tax Increase, by Bruce Frohman

Citizens of Modesto have expressed plenty of reasons to vote against Measure X in the November election. However, the city very much needs the revenue of a sales tax increase. Over the past decade, the number of city employees and level of city services have declined substantially. With police department staffing at a historic low for officers per capita, the […]