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Tag: Modesto General Plan

From Wood Colony to Urban Sprawl: A Planning Manual

Converting Wood Colony from prime farm land to urban sprawl begins with the land speculator. The speculator buys land near a growing city because it is inexpensive relative to the cost of property within that city. Long term speculators buy land outside of a city’s “sphere of influence.” The speculator buys as much land as he can and […]

Why Certain City Council Members Want A New General Plan

At the January 28, 2014 Modesto City Council meeting, Councilmembers Dave Cogdill Jr., Bill Zoslocki, and Dave Lopez voted to begin a comprehensive rewrite of the Modesto General Plan. A majority of the City Council voted down the proposal due to the high cost, but what exactly were the three proponents after? Councilmember Cogdill stated that the Modesto […]