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Tag: Willms Ranch parcel split

Stanislaus Audubon Sues on Willms Parcel Split

In a case of “déjà vu all over again,” the Stanislaus Audubon Society has filed a Writ of Mandate challenging Stanislaus County Supervisors’ approval of the Willms Ranch parcel split on January 29. In 1995, after a long round of litigation, a superior court reversed Stanislaus County’s approval of a proposed golf course on the […]

Supervisors Take Two Steps Forward on Willms Decision

Supporters of the Willms Ranch parcel split walked away with a victory last Tuesday, when Stanislaus County Supervisors (sort of) approved the proposal. It takes three votes to overrule a planning commission recommendation, and only Jim DeMartini and Vito Chiesa voted against it, so the split was approved. But those who know local land use […]

Audubon Chapter Appeals Willms Ranch Parcel Split

  Stanislaus Audubon Society has appealed a decision by the Stanislaus County Planning Commission to allow owners of the historic Willms Ranch to split the 2,384 acre property into 42 parcels without requiring an Environmental Impact Review. The crux of the argument for the Audubon Society is the failure of the Willms’ proposal to address […]