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Ted Howze will Burn You Too

Ted Howze will Burn You Too
Josh Harder, Turlock Nursing Home, May 2020
Josh Harder delivers PPE to Turlock Nursing Home
Josh Harder delivers PPE to Turlock Nursing Home

Republican Candidate for Congress Ted Howze is starting to look more and more like Donald Trump, the flailing President whose every move reveals desperation and incompetence.

Howze’s latest move must have sounded good at first. In a campaign ad, he juxtaposed a photo of incumbent Congressman Josh Harder and his wife Pam kneeling with masks on next to one of Nancy Pelosi, also kneeling while wearing a mask.

Like Jeff Denham before him, Ted Howze wants people to believe that Josh Harder is a pawn in Nancy Pelosi’s evil plan to socialize America. The problem is that Pelosi has no such plan, and even if she did, the likelihood that a Stanford- and Harvard-educated businessman almost fifty years her junior would buy into such a plan is ludicrous. Trying to tie Josh Harder to Nancy Pelosi didn’t work for Jeff Denham when he tried it in 2018, and it won’t work for Ted Howze.  It’s too big a stretch.

Howze’s timing was off too. He was trying to associate kneeling with disrespect for the flag and law enforcement. Problem is, the photo of Harder and his wife was taken at Modesto’s candlelight vigil for George Floyd, and if the photo had been taken with a wider angle, it would have shown Modesto Police Chief Galen Carroll and Assistant Chief Brandon Gillespie also kneeling. In fact, law enforcement officers around the world have knelt as a way of acknowledging the injustice of George Floyd’s death.

Even worse for Howze, masks aren’t the symbols of weakness and capitulation he and Donald Trump wishes they were. Harder, who’s been wearing a mask for months, did so because science and reason told him the quickest way to get the virus under control and bring the economy back was by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.

Josh Harder, Turlock Nursing Home, May 12, 2020
Josh Harder, Turlock Nursing Home, May 2020

Ted Howze, on the other hand, followed the lead of Donald Trump, and proudly appeared without a mask everywhere he went, including at a recent demonstration in Turlock. He wasn’t the only one who followed Trump’s lead. Republican Governors in Arizona, Texas, and Florida also downplayed the dangers of the virus while ignoring recommendations for masks and social distancing.

Then, as Covid-19 began burning through their states like the fires of hell, the governors who had mocked science and expert opinion began locking down and begging their residents to wear masks and practice social distancing. July 2, Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered residents of most counties in the state to begin wearing masks.

“We are now at a point where the virus is spreading so fast there is little margin for error,”said Abbott.

Modesto Police Chief Galen Carroll
Modesto Police Chief Galen Carroll, Pam and Josh Harder (facing away)

Most anyone might have pointed out that Abbott and his fellow Republican Governors might have saved lives and been able to open businesses much earlier had they followed science, but like Ted Howze and friends, they scoffed at science and are now facing the fire.

Ted Howze has shown again and again that he’s a slavish follower of Donald Trump, a President who scorns reason, law and science, even while he steers the ship of state into a firestorm of disease and economic ruin. Meanwhile, Congressman Josh Harder has been proactive by following science, delivering PPE to outlets in his districts, and providing constituents with regular Coronavirus updates.

While the candidate follows a false prophet into the flames, the Congressman leads the way forward to recovery. Voters are taking note.



  1. Well said, Mr. Caine! As to discrediting science, Trump, Republican candidate Howze, and Republican leaders who don’t believe the science behind mask protection are the ones who hypocritically expect science to rescue them and others with treatments and vaccines. But their imagination can’t stretch to the fact that we have to protect others, including the medical & science professionals who treat us and develop the vaccines! The Republican party that stresses “personal responsibility,” has been largely trying to shame or embarrass people for wearing masks and allow people who refuse to take personal responsiblity to think somehow they are asserting their freedom rather than call them out on their selfish lack of patriotism. Does Ted Howze try to talk horses out of wearing fly masks & neck cradles or does he understand humans have always devised ways to protect the people and pets they love, the animals we raise? Even friggin’ cowboys figured out using bandanas to protect them from dust and lots of working people from painters to surgeons must use masks every day on their jobs, so I guess I can for my own health and others.

  2. If there is anyone I cannot stand, it is one that is untruthful. Misrepresenting the attributes of a competitor in a race for office is not only dishonest, but points to the offender’s own lack of character to serve.

    The time has come to vote only for political leaders with honesty and integrity. Mr. Harder has no hidden agenda and has consistently operated with one main principle: act in the best interest of constituents.

    If Howze cannot run an honest campaign, he certainly will not be an honest representative. If Howze does not wear a mask in public, he has no regard for the health of fellow citizens, especially those most vulnerable to contracting a virus. If masks were ineffective, doctors would not wear them.

  3. Partisan Republicans can vote for racist Howze, but the majority will favor Josh Harder for his work ethic and ability to work across the aisle for the betterment of our district and our country!!

  4. I find it fascinating that this Valley Citizen is so left. How can the democraps look in the mirror in the morning knowing tat they support the late term abortion, taking the life of a baby just born and call themselves human. You are muderers. You think you are such elitist people but you support rioting in the streets you support defunding police and when things get hot you dial 911 because you are afraid. You downcast Jesus and Christianity until you get in a bad situation and you start praying for help. You are hypocrites and you make me vomit

    • Hi. John:

      Thanks so much for telling me what I think (none of which is true). What you have stated is just about every dog whistle the Republican party uses to retain their bloc of voters. They want those issues to remain as they are. Otherwise, they would lose the hypocritical right Evangelicals who voted for an immoral man, one who self-righteously poses in front of a church with a bible he’s opened only once (to famously quote from Two Corinthians). Perhaps YOU should open yours to John 8: 44 to see what Jesus has to say about liars. We all know who resides in the White House – The Liar in Chief.

  5. For me, there is no competition – Josh Harder is “the man” to continue representing the CD-10. From what I have seen (@ Town Hall candidate debate) & heard of Howze, I do not want him as my Rep in the bastions of City Hall let alone the Halls of Congress. He would embarass our Region, self-deal & forget about us constitutents just like his “dear leader” #45. VoteBlue2020

  6. This is well written article and has lot of truth to it. I just hope that Josh Harder can get his message out with Covid 19 disaster in his roadway. The more truth we hear about Mr. Howze the better it will for Harder for Congress term number two.

  7. This is a well written article, I hope Josh Harder campaign can get its message out. The more we hear about Mr. Howze the better if will be for Harder for congress term number two

  8. We had him in City Hall and it was a complete disaster. Inappropriate spending. Virtue signaling by installing religious signage in the chambers, those robo-calls. Vote Blue. Vote Harder for Congress!

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