Saturday, August 26, 2023, three candidates for U.S. Senate appeared at Congressman Josh Harder’s family picnic, held on the grounds of the Albert Lindley House in Stockton, California. Representatives Barbara Lee, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff seek the same seat to represent California. All three appear well qualified and deserving of a place in the U.S. Senate. As Josh Harder remarked, California should have three positions open in the Senate for them.
A crowd of several hundred attended the two hour event. Before dinner was served, the candidates came out to greet and shake hands with well-wishers and supporters. After dinner, Congressman Harder and the candidates gave brief speeches to an enthusiastic crowd. Despite the dark cloud hanging over Washington D.C., the crowd seemed upbeat.
Speaking to the home crowd, Congressman Harder talked about the great working relationship that he has developed with all three Senate candidates. He mentioned that he and Katie Porter were in the freshman class of 2018, entering the environment headed by a Republican President.

Harder stressed that he constantly looks for bi-partisan solutions to the nation’s problems and that he works hard to bring money home to his district. He pointed to the $50 million he secured in Biden’s infrastructure bill for the Port of Stockton. He also predicted that 10,000 physicians would eventually come serve in the Central Valley by having their student debts forgiven after five years of residency.
Harder cited the great need of the impoverished in the Central Valley and vowed to continue his efforts. He thanked his three candidate-guests, who presently represent coastal and urban counties of California, for visiting Stockton and expressed the hope that they would return often.
Senate Candidate Adam Schiff
Congressman Schiff is very popular for his efforts to bring justice to former President Donald Trump. He discussed his efforts in detail, but displayed no surprise or discouragement about the MAGA crowd. He said that there will probably always be a core of enthusiasts and right wing extremists will continue to be present. However, he seemed optimistic that the cloud would eventually pass, warning if it does not, our liberties could be in jeopardy. We must be diligent in preserving our rights. Trump must be prosecuted and convicted or we risk similar political turmoil in the future.
Candidates Schiff, Porter, and Lee
Congressman Schiff acknowledged the hardships of the Central Valley and vowed to represent it well in the U.S. Senate. The Congressman said that the closing of Madera Hospital and other hospitals in rural counties across California must not be allowed to happen.
Senate Candidate Katie Porter
Congresswoman Porter spoke next, mentioning how she has enjoyed working with Congressman Harder. She emphasized that she prefers to change the rules when the rules are unfair. She noted that Washington is overrun with special interests trying to game the system. She said that she wants to improve the rules before they become hopelessly unjust, to the detriment of the majority of citizens. She is not afraid of confronting the powerful when their actions harm others. Congresswoman Porter also noted Central Valley hardship and promised to work for all of us.
Senate Candidate Barbara Lee
Congresswoman Lee acknowledged the work of Congressman Harder and vowed to represent Valley interests in the U.S. Senate. She talked about how her lone vote against entering a war in Afghanistan was eventually vindicated and that she was proud of it. She said that she wakes up every morning thinking about how she can make the country better.

Congresswoman Lee noted that if she is elected to the Senate, she will become only the third African-American woman in the history of the United States to hold the office, following Senator Carol Moseley Braun and current Vice-President Kamala Harris.
After acknowledging important dignitaries and members of his staff, Congressman Harder singled out his former Chief of Staff, Rhodesia Ransom, for her service and praised her decision to run for California State Senate District 5 in the next state wide election. In the 2024 redistricting, District 5 will serve San Joaquin and eastern Alameda Counties.
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Barbara Lee doesn’t even represent her current constituents. Have a problem? Don’t call Lee’s office, no one will respond. If California wants a Black Senator, there are plenty of better candidates.