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Tag: Congressman Tom McClintock

Congressman Tom McClintock’s Sham Town Hall Meetings

Congressman Tom McClintock is notorious for being absent from his district. Modesto residents who enjoyed the regular presence of Congressman Josh Harder before redistricting moved him north have been especially disgruntled by McClintock’s absenteeism. His Modesto office is often unstaffed. Below, former Modesto City Councilmember Bruce Frohman expresses his frustration with McClintock’s remote town hall […]

On Politics — The Valley Citizen’s Endorsements

This election year marks a crucial moment in world history. America’s attempt to create a nation based on our original motto — e pluribus unum — is under siege. While it’s easy to understand nationwide dissatisfaction with both political parties, we shouldn’t ignore that one of those parties has endorsed totalitarianism and is engaged in […]

Congressman Tom McClintock: Worst Representative Ever?

One only needs to read House Representative Tom McClintock’s newsletters to realize how useless he is to the nation, his district, and his constituents. Now that he is up for re-election this year, he has started sending out newsletters extolling his accomplishments after months of silence. Reading and analyzing the newsletter, one may readily discern […]

Should Tom McClintock Retire From Congress?

When Congressman Tom McClintock’s district was redrawn two years ago, the area he serves substantially shifted. Within the newly drawn boundaries, the needs of his constituents are different. As a result, the Congressman is out of touch with voters he represents. Mr. McClintock has been intermittently sending out email newsletters to those who  signed up […]

Adam Gray and Mike Barkley for Democracy

A small crowd showed up at Modesto’s Red Center Thursday, September 22, for debates featuring candidates for two of the Valley’s seats in the House of Representatives. John Duarte, running against Adam Gray in Congressional District 13, was represented by his wife Alexandra. Republican Tom McClintock, heavily favored in District 5 against Mike Barkley, didn’t […]

Congressman Tom McClintock’s Deadly Denial of Global Warming

Bob Woodward’s new tell-all book, Rage, reveals specific evidence that Donald Trump knew about the severity of Covid-19 (C-19) before it ravaged our nation, killing nearly 200,000 and sinking our economy. Not only did Trump willfully withhold information that he knew would save lives, but he also actively lied about the virus, and continues to invite […]