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Tag: Jeff Denham government shutdown

Jeff Denham’s Damage Control, by Bruce Frohman

When California politicians get in trouble, immigration becomes the issue that covers all their sins with a cloud of good intentions that somehow never materialize at election time. Here, Bruce Frohman catches Jeff Denham trying to make voters forget the government shutdown by switching his focus to immigration. A recent editorial in the Modesto Bee […]

Jeff Denham Sends Misleading Report to Constituents, by Bruce Frohman

Below is a copy of the text of an email sent by Congressman Jeff Denham on October 3rd, 2013, the 3rd day of the government shut down.  It is misleading and dishonest.  This writer’s comments are highlighted in capitalized bold text at the end of each paragraph of Denham’s message. DENHAM WRITES:  Dear friend, Many constituents have contacted […]

Shame on Jeff Denham, by Bruce Frohman

On the eve of the October 1 government shutdown, San Joaquin Valley Republican Congressman Jeff Denham held a one hour telephone town hall meeting to answer questions about his political positions in the House of Representatives. Mr. Denham opened the meeting by reading a prepared statement. The statement featured the exact same language used within […]