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Tag: Mike Barkley

Michael Eggman’s Gift to Jeff Denham

Now that it appears Michael Eggman may have been paying himself $5,000 a month to manage his “Red to Blue” PAC, the backlash from his late entry into the campaign for California Congressional District 10 (CA-10) is starting to develop some real force. In addition to resentment of Eggman’s late entry, the focus on his […]

Denham: “All Form and No Substance,” says Frohman

Ever since Congressman Jeff Denham helped to shut down the government last year, he has campaigned hard for reelection. Apparently, he received a low approval rating from the voters in his district. With Congress showing single digit approval ratings in poll after poll, Mr. Denham may have realized that his constituents might be unhappy with him, too. Given […]