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Tag: Modesto toxic waste

Supervisor Withrow to Form Joint Powers for 132 Project

During the week of September 8, 2014, I sent a letter to the Stanislaus County Supervisors explaining my concern with the 132 West Freeway design. I indicated that citizens of the west side of Modesto want the hazardous material removed from the berms that sit within the right-of-way. They also want the freeway be a […]

Brush Fire Undermines Caltrans’ Credibility

News Item:  On Friday May 16, a brush fire within the toxic waste piles of Modesto’s 132 Freeway right-of-way spread out of control during a late afternoon wind storm, gutting four homes adjacent to property maintained by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The vegetation around and on the toxic waste piles caught fire. The preliminary […]

Brush Fire at the Toxic Waste Dump, by Bruce Frohman

Over the Labor Day weekend, a brush fire burned vegetation in the future 132 freeway right of way. The specific location was on the top of one of the mounds containing toxic waste. According to an agreement between Caltrans and the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), Caltrans is to maintain vegetation on the mounds in order to reduce runoff from […]

Latest Update on Modesto’s Toxic Waste, by Bruce Frohman

In our last report, we outlined problems with the mounds of dirt in the 132 right-of-way near the 99 freeway believed to contain toxic waste. As of this writing, Caltrans is working with the California Department of Toxic Substances (DTSC) to determine how heavily contaminated the dirt mounds are and what to do about them.  Until […]

Much Work Left To Do On 132 Freeway Toxic Waste Site Before Construction Can Begin, By Bruce Frohman

  Caltrans has finished one study of the ground water beneath the three 132 Freeway right of way toxic waste sites. A report completed in June 2012 by Geocon for Caltrans concluded that no chemicals related to the toxic waste sites were found in ground water beneath the sites. Some who have heard the results […]

Bruce Frohman on Caltrans' Failure to Maintain Modesto Toxic Waste Site

Several months ago, former Modesto City Councilman Bruce Frohman became concerned about toxic waste piles in west Modesto. Frohman’s persistent questioning of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and Caltrans revealed Caltrans has failed to properly maintain the site. Here is Bruce Frohman’s insider report. A toxic waste site exists within the right of way […]