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Now is the Time to Come to the Aid of Your Country

Susan Eggman and Josh Harder were in downtown Modesto Saturday morning, urging volunteers and their fellow citizens to exercise their most fundamental right under the Constitution of the United States — the vote. When the Founding Fathers debated about what kind of government should shape the new nation they envisioned as an “experiment,” they rejected […]

Still in Doubt? Vote ‘em Out!

For most of the duration of the pandemic, Stanislaus County has been among the top five worst counties in the state for controlling Covid-19.  As of October 25, it was 12th in infection rates at 77 per 100,000 residents. On the same day, the nearest county to the north, San Joaquin, registered 58 positive tests […]

Josh Harder: The Paperboy Who Went to Congress

You know that being an American is more than a matter of where your parents came from. It is a belief that all men are created free and equal and that everyone deserves an even break. Harry S. Truman Though he may soon become yet another casualty of new technology, the paperboy is one of […]

Harder vs Howze? Howze Knocks Himself Out

 It wouldn’t be accurate to write Josh Harder scored a TKO over Ted Howze during their debate in Turlock Wednesday night. It was more a case of Howze running head-first into Harder’s record of accomplishments, then bouncing off solid objects and into his own logical cul-de-sacs. Howze came into the debate with a surprise attack. […]

Reviewing the Candidates’ Forum for Modesto City Council District 6

Four candidates participated in the Modesto Bee’s Candidates’ Forum for Modesto City Council’s District 6 on September 16. Two of the candidates, David Wright and Kelsten Obert, said they would be voting for Ted Howze for congress. Given Howze’s contempt for science and medicine, his documented lies, and his failure to explain racist and xenophobic […]

Reviewing the Candidates’ Forum for Mayor of Modesto

Among the more puzzling aspects of Ted Brandvold’s term as Mayor of Modesto is his desire to run again. He’s never seemed to like the job, and has even less aptitude for it than enthusiasm, yet there he was at the September 23 Modesto Bee Mayors’ Forum, seeking another term. The mayor was subjected to […]

On Science, the Republican Party Plays the Doubt Card

During an era when civil discourse seems more endangered every day, Rossean Hunter manages to maintain respect for others while making a good case for science over politics. We’ve made some minor changes to her comments on a recent story by Keith Law and featured them here. We appreciate her insights and tone. Hello Friend: […]

The Supervisor’s Guide to Living Large by Avoiding Taxes

“I’ve had it with California. It’s the hostile business climate, the politics and high taxes,” said Stanislaus County Supervisor James R. DeMartini, explaining why he was moving to Nevada instead of running again for his board seat. If he was trying to sound like a victim, some aren’t buying it. Mr. DeMartini has been living […]

Reviewing Stanislaus County Supervisors Races: Districts 1 and 5

Upcoming elections in Stanislaus County Districts 1 and 5 could result in a change of direction for a board that has lost its way since the onset of Covid-19. In District 1, Modesto City Councilmember Bill Zoslocki is running against Buck Condit, a Captain in the Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District. Both candidates participated in […]

Reviewing California’s Ballot Propositions: When in Doubt, Vote “No”

Propositions are established via citizen petitions or by order of the State Legislature for an assortment of reasons. Some propositions amend the state constitution, requiring a vote of the citizens. Some proposals intend to undo decisions made by the state legislature or to circumvent the legislative process. Some propositions favor special interests. There are twelve […]