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Tag: Garrad Marsh

Marsh: Still the Choice for Mayor

The decision to include Wood Colony in Modesto’s General Plan haunted Mayor Garrad Marsh the full four years of his first term in office. Marsh’s critics insisted he’d sold out to developers and cried for his scalp. Today, with the defeat of Measures I and G and the rise of Ted Brandvold as the developers’ […]

What’s Happened to Garrad Marsh and Jenny Kenoyer?

The Valley Citizen enthusiastically supported Modesto Mayor Garrad Marsh and Councilperson Jenny Kennoyer. Mostly because they favor inclusion of Wood Colony in the City’s General Plan, both have left supporters wondering whether they’ve abandoned the principle planks of their pre-election platforms, which included smart growth and farmland preservation. The wide consensus is both have sold […]

Marsh Survives Wood Colony Brickbats

  Jake Wenger probably uttered the wisest words at Saturday’s town hall meeting in Wood Colony when he said, “It’s much easier to have a discussion with a clean slate.” Unfortunately for Garrad Marsh, he entered the Hart-Ransom school gymnasium with plenty of history on the “slate.” Many in the audience were still steaming from […]

Marsh Needs to Back Urban Limits Now

If you’ve been reading the Modesto Bee  lately, you might think Dave Lopez and Bill Zoslocki are guardians of the farmland Garrad Marsh and Jenny Kenoyer are trying so hard to cover with asphalt. Kenoyer and Marsh have been framed as sell-outs and there’s even talk of a recall. It’s a far cry from what […]

Logic Behind Votes to Add Wood Colony to Sphere Of Influence

News item: The Modesto Bee reported in its Thursday edition that the Modesto City Council voted 5-2 in favor of adding Wood Colony to its General Plan map. Councilmembers Zoslocki and Lopez voted against the addition. In politics, everything has a logical explanation. Oftentimes, the logic  seems impossible to follow. Undoubtedly, to some, the Tuesday night decision looks  crazy. Let’s look […]

Time for Mayor Marsh to Stand Up for Wood Colony

Richard Nixon and Jerry Brown have shown that while politicians don’t have nine lives, they often have at least more than one. The thought must be comforting to Modesto Mayor Garrad Marsh, because since taking office he’s seemed intent on political suicide. Almost simultaneously with being sworn in, he announced he was going annex Salida. […]

Council to Marsh: Developers Rule!

Supporters of farmland preservation exulted when Garrad Marsh defeated Brad Hawn and Bill Zoslocki in last year’s race for Mayor of Modesto. Marsh’s victory was doubly sweet because it came after Mike Zagaris and George Petrulakis publicly endorsed Hawn. Zagaris and Petrulakis have long been associated with pro-growth policies that resist attempts to protect farmland […]

Marsh and Kieta: First Year Reviews

Roughly a year ago, Garrad Marsh and Joe Kieta took the helms of two of our most cherished institutions, the City itself and the City’s only newspaper. Faced with similar challenges in the form of falling revenue, reduced staffs, and a struggling economy, Marsh and Kieta have had only a year to turn things around. […]

Marsh to Bee: "Get Scott Peterson Off the Front Page"

Making good on one of his campaign promises, Modesto Mayor Garrad Marsh held a town hall meeting in west Modesto Saturday, a concrete signal that he intends to be accessible to the entire city. Marsh said he plans to have at least three more such events around town. Marsh acknowledged that Modesto has an image […]