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Tag: Highway 132 expansion

132 Freeway Will Be an Environmental Disaster

Environmentalists are notorious about opposing freeway projects , but the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations have been quiet about the 132 freeway plan. Either the project has not caught their attention or they just don’t care about the  Valley because local politics are dominated by anti-environment interest groups. Regardless of the reasons for political silence, a discussion […]

Pay for 132 and Almonds Too

During the first week of March this year, laborers planted almond trees in the right of way of the future 132 Freeway/Expressway near Morse and Kansas Avenues. The new trees are almost completely hidden by tall weeds. Caltrans announced in January 2017 that the new road would be completed by 2020. The almond trees will have to […]

Only Urban Limits Can Save Stanislaus Farm Land

When the 2008 stock market crash hit, urban development in Stanislaus County collapsed. New housing construction stopped completely. The area was overcome with foreclosures and financial ruin. Meanwhile, the agriculture industry kept chugging along with year after year of prosperity, generating billions of dollars in economic activity. While the urban development industry was dormant, the […]

State: 132 Project Not a Top Priority

Jonathan Edwards is a resident of the west side of Modesto. He voiced his opposition to the 132 West Freeway Project at the September 17, 2014 Policy Board Meeting for the Stanislaus County Council of Governments (STANCOG). He stated that more freeways aren’t wanted as they generate air pollution and noise. Mr. Edwards then asked […]

Supervisor Withrow to Form Joint Powers for 132 Project

During the week of September 8, 2014, I sent a letter to the Stanislaus County Supervisors explaining my concern with the 132 West Freeway design. I indicated that citizens of the west side of Modesto want the hazardous material removed from the berms that sit within the right-of-way. They also want the freeway be a […]

Caltrans to Update 132 Freeway Project

News Item: Caltrans has announced that on Monday, August 18, a public meeting will be held to discuss current plans and timetable for phase one construction of the 132 West Freeway project. The meeting will be held at the King-Kennedy Memorial Center, 601 North Martin Luther King Junior Drive, in Modesto, from 6:30 to 8:00pm. […]

Highway 132: It’s the Drivers

One of the justifications for building the Route 132 Freeway is safety. The argument ignores the reality of a history of fatal accidents on all of our area freeways. Drivers of pickup trucks and SUVs in the Valley hit the freeway with the spirit of invincibility. Because they’re surrounded by heavy metal, they think that they need […]

Highway 132 and History

Legend has it that Ed Mape used to herd cattle from behind the wheel of his Cadillac car. Maybe he spelled Cadillac with two “Ts.” Today, the Mapes Ranch is more famous for its billboard sign reading “Breed the Best and Forget the Rest” than for its former owner, but it’s still a major feature […]

Caltrans, Toxic Waste, and Highway 132

Caltrans’ June newsletter probably did more harm than good from a public relations standpoint. The newsletter was intended to update stakeholders about the project’s progress. Instead, a front page article in the Modesto Bee claimed the newsletter was misleading. Even worse, the information in the newsletter aggravated critics of the project who believe their comments […]

Committees, Water, and Wood Colony

  Over the years, local government s within Stanislaus County have formed countless committees.  A committee or a study can be a great smokescreen to hide decision making in government. What a committee accomplishes will depend on what politicians want the outcome to be. Sometimes when Valley politicians want to avoid public input, they form […]