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Tag: Modesto irrigation District water sales

The Perverse Arithmetic of Water Sales

Ever since Modesto Irrigation District (MID) proposed selling water to San Francisco more than ten years ago, the topic of sales has been fraught with political peril. The  prospect of selling local water to San Francisco brought about changes on the MID Board of Directors and served as a warning notice that peddling MID water […]

Modesto Irrigation District Sales Proposal Roils the Waters

For years, Oakdale Irrigation District (OID) water sales seldom caused more than a flicker of public interest. Let nearby Modesto Irrigation District (MID) even think about a sale, however, and the hue and cry are heard for miles around. That was the case in 2011, when MID proposed selling water to the City of San […]

MID Rate Policy Threatens Survival of Small Farms

Farmers are businesspeople first and friends second. When it comes to relationships in the farming business, the farmer looks after his own interests, just like a businessperson in any other business. Water is an indispensable part of the business of farming. No farmer is going to sell his entire water allocation to others unless he does not intend to farm. […]