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Tag: Modesto Police Chief Galen Carroll

Should A Citizens’ Police Review Board Be Established In Modesto?

The death of George Floyd at the hands of four officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, sparked a protest movement advocating a thorough examination of police department policies and practices throughout the United States. Now is an appropriate time to take stock of the performance of the Modesto Police Department to determine whether changes need to be […]

Defund? These Cops are Already Defunded

Bernie Sanders, who understood underfunding of social services in America long before most other people, was incredulous when talk started about defunding police departments. Like most close observers, Sanders understands how law enforcement has changed over the years. “I think we want to redefine what police departments do, [and] give them the support they need […]

Modesto Vigil for George Floyd Offers Hope

On this night, Congressman Josh Harder and his wife Pam were just (masked) faces in the crowd, standing in solidarity with their fellow citizens. Modesto Police Chief Galen Carroll somehow managed to make a big cop — in uniform and packing iron — look like your friendly next door neighbor. That was the atmosphere Friday […]