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Tag: West Park

Failure of Crows Landing Industrial Park Good for The Great Valley, by Bruce Frohman

Realtors value real estate based on location, location, location. Economic growth and development is based on land use, land use, land use. Just as a poor location dooms a property to low value, poor land use decisions dooms a region to economic mediocrity. The recently failed Crows Landing Industrial Park (West Park) would have been […]

Gerry Kamilos' West Park Starting to Look Like Another Pie in the Sky Scheme

The good news for West Park supporters is that Gerry Kamilos hired the best for his Environmental Impact Review. The bad news is he owes them over a quarter-million dollars. Kamilos’ attorneys, Remy, Thomas, Moose and Manley are the platinum standard of California land-use law firms. They literally write the book on the California Environmental […]