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Tag: Affordable Housing Modesto

Homeless — where your money goes Part V: The high costs of extravagant cruelty

As California politicians declare their commitment to dealing with homelessness, they should also acknowledge that it originates in the state’s chronic shortage of housing that shows no signs of abating. Dan Walters, 23 January, 2023 According to Lauren Lowry, Director for Housing and Community Development at the National League of Cities, “chronic homelessness costs the […]

Homeless: Are Shelters Obsolete?

The rise in numbers of homeless shelters in the United States coincided with deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill in the late 1970s. During the same decade, runaway inflation—especially rising costs of living—left some members of the economy unable to keep up. The result was more homelessness. Over the years, socio-economic factors have continued to contribute […]

Ninth Street apartments: “Worst I’ve ever seen,” says attorney

“Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members—the last, the least, the littlest.” Cardinal Roger Mahony, 1998 With fifteen years’ experience representing tenants’ rights, Joseph Tobener has seen a lot of dilapidated buildings and apartments, including the warehouse that was the location for Oakland’s notorious “Ghost Ship” fire. […]

Low Rent Projects Don’t Pencil Out

News Item:  According to the July 14th edition of the Modesto Bee, Modesto’s newest public housing project will cost about $274,000 per unit to build. The Tower Project will be built at 17th and G Streets in the old water tower park. Will the project deliver good value for taxpayers? Basic Apartment Finance In the […]