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Merced Gang Numbers Frighten Senior Citizens

At the April 23rd general meeting of Merced AARP, Merced County District Attorney Larry Morse II deviated from his planned talk on scams of seniors to express concern for last year’s 29 deaths by murder in Merced County. The District Attorney noted that while 29 murders is fewer than the 53 recorded in Fresno County in […]

Loss of Monopoly on News Leaves Bee Writer Livid

Modesto Bee columnist Jeff Jardine took on City Hall last Saturday. Unfortunately, he did little to improve our local political climate and a lot to harm it. Jardine was agitated about a City of Modesto policy for dealing with media inquiries. The policy requires city employees to notify superiors when they’ve been interviewed by members […]

Leadership Vacuum Growing At Modesto City Hall

“If I had known that Modesto would become like it is, I would never have moved here.”—Casual comment from an elderly lady walking her dog. Modesto residents who have lived in the community for many years are wondering when the city will hit bottom. The number of citizens contemplating a move to a better community can’t […]

More Trouble Ahead for Modesto Flight Services?

News Item: SkyWest, a subsidiary of United Airlines, announces that it will cease serving the Modesto airport in July, 2014, citing declining numbers of passengers. With a population of over half a million citizens, Stanislaus County has a sufficient population base to support the service of at least one airline. So what is the problem? A History of […]

Valley Schools Have Child Safety Problems

On March 26th, a child died in front of a Modesto school when he ran in front of a bus. A few years ago, another child was hit in front of a school when he was run over by his own father’s car. At another school, a child on a bicycle was hit by a car. These accidents should not be happening.Every school day in valley communities, […]

How Would the New 132 Freeway Affect Wood Colony?

During the four years that this writer served on the Modesto City Council, many maps were examined and studied for planning purposes. Various urban configurations were presented for consideration. Based on this writer’s experience, the residents of that community may have considerable misconceptions about the impacts that the construction of the 132 freeway would have on them. […]

Johnston’s Exit: New Era for the Bee?

Publisher Eric Johnston has left the Modesto Bee. His departure marks the end of an era. Though still demonized as a “liberal” newspaper by tea-soaked locals, under Johnston, Mark Vaschè, and Judy Sly, the once moderate Bee veered sharply right. Jeff Denham and Kristin Olsen became political darlings and the Chamber of Commerce became the […]

MID Rate Policy Threatens Survival of Small Farms

Farmers are businesspeople first and friends second. When it comes to relationships in the farming business, the farmer looks after his own interests, just like a businessperson in any other business. Water is an indispensable part of the business of farming. No farmer is going to sell his entire water allocation to others unless he does not intend to farm. […]

Down the Higher One Rabbit Hole with Kyle Summerfield

Down the Higher One Rabbit Hole with Kyle Summerfield Note: Despite problems with the courts, the controversial financing practices of Higher One haven’t stopped hundreds of college administrations from hiring Higher One to disburse financial aid. Here, Merced College student Kyle Summerfield offers a graphic account of his own experience with the Higher One “Blue […]

MID Faces Conundrum about Need for Rate Increases, by Bruce Frohman

The Modesto Irrigation District (MID) is the primary electricity supplier to northern Stanislaus County and the town of Mountain House in San Joaquin County.    The Board of Directors of MID has been discussing an electric service rate increase in 2014. The numbers suggested have ranged from zero percent to a double digit increase. Current MID electric rates rank among the highest in California.  […]