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Bruce Frohman

Bruce Frohman served on the Modesto City Council from 1999-2003. He believes the best way to build a better community is to have an informed citizenry.

Bruce Frohman on Jeff Denham: Propaganda over Service

Former Modesto City Councilman Bruce Frohman followed Jeff Denham’s long political career well before he won at the federal level and ever since. Although Jeff Denham has not been a good Congressman, he’s a masterful propagandist. He’s even got a billboard praising his failed effort to help promote DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals); that’s […]

Not Easy to Dump Denham

Last Friday, at the Gallo Center in Modesto, six Democrats participated in a debate to help voters decide who will be the best candidate to run against Jeff Denham next November. The crowd was enthusiastic about the prospects of unseating Mr. Denham. Whether anyone in the room was aware of how difficult the task will be, at […]

132: How Not to Build a Freeway

In the mid-1990’s, I served on the Citizens’ Transportation Advisory Committee for the Stanislaus Area Association of Governments, currently called the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG). After each meeting, I would corner Dana Cowell, the Caltrans representative appointed to attend our monthly meetings. I always had questions for Mr. Cowell. Very knowledgeable, he patiently answered each one. After […]

What “Business Friendly” Means in Modesto

The Modesto Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Realtors are powerful interest groups in Modesto. They fiercely represent a privileged group of members of their organizations. For the average citizen, quality of life in Modesto is adversely affected because of their requirement that all elected officials be “business friendly.” As they tried to steer Modesto […]

Pay for 132 and Almonds Too

During the first week of March this year, laborers planted almond trees in the right of way of the future 132 Freeway/Expressway near Morse and Kansas Avenues. The new trees are almost completely hidden by tall weeds. Caltrans announced in January 2017 that the new road would be completed by 2020. The almond trees will have to […]

Jeff Denham’s Voter Avoidance Handbook

Since the November election, Congressman Jeff Denham’s indifference to voters in his own district has become increasingly evident. When his political party was out of power and all that could be done was obstruct, Denham quietly served as a dead weight anchor, accomplishing nothing and stopping others from moving forward to solve problems. Now that […]

Highway 132 Update: More Traffic Coming?

Earlier this month, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) unveiled a new design for the 132 West Freeway Project. The project has a new manager, and all new staff.  Most of the previous management personnel involved in the project are retired. The latest iteration of the project is basically the same as the original design considered […]

Jeff Denham Weasels on Ethics

Stanislaus County Congressman Jeff Denham is the consummate politician; he keeps his constituents informed only about what he wants them to know. When telling folks only what they want to hear, he conceals his support for decisions that hurt his constituents. One important but little-known fact about Congressman Denham is his obstruction of economic development within […]

Water: “A Pox upon Them All,” says Bruce Frohman

Even though Stanislaus County has suffered only 5 years of drought, citizens of Modesto have been under some form of water rationing for over 20 years. We are permitted to water our yards once a week in winter and twice a week in summer. Many of us allow our lawns to die each summer in order […]

Measure L: Is Taxpayer Money Funding a Tax Increase?

The Stanislaus Council of Governments (STANCOG), a taxpayer funded organization, has sent out three campaign flyers in favor of Measure L, a county-wide ballot proposal that will increase the sales tax by one-half percent for 25 years.  While use of taxpayer funds in a campaign is illegal, the council thinks it’s getting around the law […]