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Tag: Bruce Frohman

Can the Valley Survive Without Gas-Powered Vehicles?

September 24, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that California will eliminate the internal combustion engine from all new vehicles sold in the state by 2035. The announcement was bold, gutsy, and appears doable. Due to fiscal considerations, the Valley will probably lag urban regions in effecting the change. However, the rules outlined by Governor Newsom will […]

Reviewing California’s Ballot Propositions: When in Doubt, Vote “No”

Propositions are established via citizen petitions or by order of the State Legislature for an assortment of reasons. Some propositions amend the state constitution, requiring a vote of the citizens. Some proposals intend to undo decisions made by the state legislature or to circumvent the legislative process. Some propositions favor special interests. There are twelve […]

Does the Modesto City Council Really Listen?

The greatest honor of my life was the four years I served on the Modesto City Council, from 1999 to 2003. During my term on the council, I vowed I would do my best to put personal prejudices aside and represent the will of the citizens who elected me.  As one of my colleagues liked to […]

The Even Darker Side of Salida Politics

Emerson Drake caused a minor sensation recently when he reported contents of an email from Bruce Frohman to Modesto Mayor Garrad Marsh. In the email, Frohman offered to write an opposition argument to the Stamp Out Sprawl (SOS) ballot initiative. Drake claimed the email was evidence Frohman had gone over to the “Dark Side.” Given […]

Jeff Denham Sends Misleading Report to Constituents, by Bruce Frohman

Below is a copy of the text of an email sent by Congressman Jeff Denham on October 3rd, 2013, the 3rd day of the government shut down.  It is misleading and dishonest.  This writer’s comments are highlighted in capitalized bold text at the end of each paragraph of Denham’s message. DENHAM WRITES:  Dear friend, Many constituents have contacted […]

Home Builders Control City Council, Harm Local Economy, by Bruce Frohman

Nobody at City Hall will ever admit it, but home builders control Modesto’s government. Campaign contributions help elect shills to the City Council. The shills take instruction from those who helped them get elected.  Some have even gotten text messages during Council meetings. Former Modesto Mayor Carmen Sabatino has battled special interest groups for years, but the groups’ abundance of money […]

Citizens of Salida Will Decide Their Future, by Bruce Frohman

  The City of Modesto has started an effort to annex the small unincorporated town of Salida. In doing so, the citizens of Salida will be forced to decide their town’s future. They have three basic options. They can annex to the City of Modesto, incorporate as their own city, or leave themselves unincorporated. The […]

Salida Probably Will Not Be Annexed To the City Of Modesto, by Bruce Frohman

  In 2005, this writer ran for a seat on the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors. I lost the race to the incumbent, Jeff Grover. During the race, I talked to voters living in Salida, an area I would have represented had I been elected. Many Salida voters did not want to be annexed into […]

Bruce Frohman on Hepatitis C in the Northern San Joaquin Valley

The northern San Joaquin Valley has long been a hot spot for methamphetamine use and addiction, prime risk factors for viral Hepatitis. Nationwide, health experts are increasingly alarmed about what they claim is the hidden epidemic of viral Hepatitis, or Hepatitis C. In Stanislaus County, reports of Hepatitis C fluctuate wildly, from lows of 234 […]