Home Authors Posts by Bruce Frohman

Bruce Frohman

Bruce Frohman served on the Modesto City Council from 1999-2003. He believes the best way to build a better community is to have an informed citizenry.

Reviewing California’s Ballot Propositions: When in Doubt, Vote “No”

Propositions are established via citizen petitions or by order of the State Legislature for an assortment of reasons. Some propositions amend the state constitution, requiring a vote of the citizens. Some proposals intend to undo decisions made by the state legislature or to circumvent the legislative process. Some propositions favor special interests. There are twelve […]

Should A Citizens’ Police Review Board Be Established In Modesto?

The death of George Floyd at the hands of four officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, sparked a protest movement advocating a thorough examination of police department policies and practices throughout the United States. Now is an appropriate time to take stock of the performance of the Modesto Police Department to determine whether changes need to be […]

Stanislaus Supervisors’ Covid Fail: Worst Ever?

The old lesson that, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” is not in the memories of the Stanislaus County Supervisors. As a result, they’ve made decisions that indirectly resulted in loss of life and illnesses that might have been prevented. On May 7, 2020, the Board of Supervisors deliberately sought to […]

The Next Wave of Covid-19 Will Hit Stanislaus County Soon

The People’s Republic of China currently has over 100 million citizens in lockdown. A new wave of Covid-19, the Corona Virus, has emerged in Northeast China.  The first wave of the virus hit Stanislaus County about four months after it was first reported in Wuhan China.  What can we now expect? Now that the first […]

Stanislaus County Unprepared for Covid-19

In 2005, I lost a race for Stanislaus County Supervisor. A major plank of my platform was to upgrade our health care system in order to keep the community safe from disease, including epidemics. Voters did not agree. The winner of the supervisor’s race followed the Republican doctrine of letting the free market provide all […]

Home Builders and Homelessness: Is there a relationship?

December 16, the Los Angeles Times reported that The Supreme Court of the United States rejected a request for review of a lower court decision in the case of the City of Boise Idaho Versus Martin. The court let stand a ruling that homeless citizens are entitled to sleep on public property when a city […]

Ongoing: Stanislaus County Whittles Away Wood Colony

November 2019 is the month construction begins on Phase 1 of the State Route 132 realignment, otherwise known as a two lane expressway. Sometime in the next 20 years, the plan is to upgrade the expressway to a four lane freeway connecting Freeway 99 and Interstate 580. During the 20 year multi-phase construction project, motorists […]

PG&E: A Casualty of Global Warming?

Amid the power outages and horrific fires caused by downed transmission lines, a growing chorus of politicians is suggesting restructuring Pacific Gas and Electric Company.  Although the company operates efficiently with a large economy of scale, San Francisco and other urban areas are looking into breaking off pieces of territory to establish locally owned power […]

Doug Ridenour: Councilman Runs for Mayor

First term City Councilmember Doug Ridenour has announced that he is running for Mayor of Modesto in 2020, when his present term on the council expires. The city was required by a new law to delay elections for one year to make its Election Day match other elections; if he prevails in the next election, […]

Trump Supporters in the Valley

The President of the United States has become a politically polarizing leader. Many people in the Valley either love him or hate him. Few are indifferent. President Trump’s supporters can’t be lumped into a “basket of  deplorables,” as Hilary Clinton once asserted. Rather, his supporters are a diverse group who do not necessarily link their […]